Georgia テック イエロー ジャケットs ファナティクス ブランド Adult ローカル フェイス カバーing 3パックは、NCAAグッズです。 ブランド : ファナティクス ブランド インポートグッズ A portion of the Institute's proceeds from the sale of this グッズ will be donated by the Institute to the Student Fund to help students with expenses related to housing, food security, job loss and other hardships during these uncertain times. ゴム、伸縮性 closures Pack of 3 Returns: Face covering(s) can be returned if and 専用 if they are unopened, un着用した, and sealed in original packaging with original タグs and ラベルs. Your return will be inspected upon arrival before your refund is processed. We reserve the right to refuse a refund if there is any evidence of use or tamper to the packaging. This グッズ is not a medical device. It is not int端ed to be personal protective equipment and should not be used by healthcare professionals or used in a healthcare/clinical environment or setting. The グッズ is not int端ed to prevent or protect from any form of illness or disease (or otherwise). WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD-子どもには不向き. Children can choke or suffocate 素材 : ポリエステル100% 洗濯機洗い This item is non-returnable 公式ライセンス